
Punched out lesions on the skull radiograph

Punched out lucencies without surrounding osteosclerosis are the characteristic lesions seen on plain radiographs of the skull in the ...

Punched-out Skull | Infectious Diseases

Gross examination of the calvarium, which was removed at autopsy, revealed extensive punched-out lesions. A radiographic image of the removed calvarium ...

“Punched out” multiple myeloma lytic lesions in the skull

The plasma cells neoplasia affects the bones—including the skull—leading to extensive skeletal destruction due to osteolytic lesions and osteopenia, with ...

Metastatic Cholangiocarcinoma Presenting as Punched

Punched-out lesions are osteolytic lesions without sclerotic rim on X-ray examination which are considered as hallmarks of multiple myeloma. Punched-out lesions ...

“Punched-Out” Lesions of the Calvarium

The following unusual case study is an exception to the rule that “punched-out” lesions of the skull are an indication of a serious or generalized disease.


Skull X ray also showed multiple round osteolytic lesions. After treatment, mandibular punched out lesions showed mild improvement.The incidence of ...

Why Does This Woman Have Punched-out Bone Lesions?

This lateral radiograph of the skull displays many punched-out, sharply defined, lytic defects throughout the skull, as well as the cervical ...

Multiple punched out lesions: A case report of multiple myeloma

Radiographically the lesions are radiolucent with well-defined periphery, but are not corticated and this appearance has been called punched out ...

43 在X 光片上,最常見打洞狀病變(punched out lesion)的..

43 在X 光片上,最常見打洞狀病變(punched out lesion)的腫瘤是: (A)骨纖維性發育不良(fibrous dysplasia of bone) (B)骨巨大細胞瘤(giant cell tumor of bone)


Punchedoutlucencieswithoutsurroundingosteosclerosisarethecharacteristiclesionsseenonplainradiographsoftheskullinthe ...,Grossexaminationofthecalvarium,whichwasremovedatautopsy,revealedextensivepunched-outlesions.Aradiographicimageoftheremovedcalvarium ...,Theplasmacellsneoplasiaaffectsthebones—includingtheskull—leadingtoextensiveskeletaldestructionduetoosteolyticlesionsandosteopenia,with ...,P...